Bukit Engku Busu, Trekking at Lumut, Perak Malaysia
What you can do in Lumut is trekking~~ The hill is 331.4m and I can say that I'm very pathetic in this sport. The slopes were quite steep and they don't have steps for you to climb up like what we have in singapore's Bukit Timah hill. For places where the slopes are steeper, there is ropes tied nicely at the bark of trees and trekkers can pull the ropes so that it is easier to climb up. The entrance is free and there are no medical help or station.

only know that I am trekking a 331.4m hill. The rest I don't understand. Any volunteers to help me do the translation? Haha!!!

Before reaching the tip of the hill, there is one open area which I called the "cliff". There are no boundaries to prevent trekkers from falling. To climb this hill, trekkers have to take note that whatever you do are at your own risk. We can actually see the landmarks of Lumut in Perak. When you look down, everything is tiny, especially the vehicles. I don't think I am able to see any human walking at that height I am standing.

I was exhausted and pathetic after my whole journey of trekking for 1 hour. I'm the last one to reach the top, and also the last one to reach the bottom. Worst still, I got cuts on my hands and legs. Well.., compared to my little cousins and my mum, I'm the most pathetic feller. *Sobbie*
Everyone laughed at me >.< and reprimand me that being an adult, I'm so useless. This was my 3rd time trekking and it is also my first that I managed to climb to the top. Previously I always climb one third of it and gave up. This time I wanted to give up as I was really very exhausted, somehow I just slow down my pace and rest most of the time as I trek every step. Eventually, I managed to trek to the top. Nothing special at the top, just some communication station.
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