Birdie fly away~~~~~
It so hard to capture the bird. Luckily I take alot of shot.

By JsQuare || Jia Jun
9:51:00 PM
, in
Here we are~~, this used to be my grandparents house. Every year we will come pay a visit, but now the house has been demolished and we have move to another place to stay. It very sad to see the house standing alone in the area.
Here used to be a plot of rubble planatations, but now everything has been swipe out to an empty land.
At night, we always used to see lots of big size lizards. But now even the window has been removed, everything has been hammered to this current state. Anyway, this used to be the living room. Last time, we used to find that our house is very big, but everytime we return to visit the house again. It seems so small.
In order to survive, even the floor are cracked due to the growing of the weeds and grass.
This is our favourite toilet, why is it our favourite toilet? See the knot at the right side?
It is use for us to close the door from the outside. If not the zinc door will be widely open. haha. When a person goes to the toilet, we have a lock from the inside for us to lock our door. But then for the naughty one, we like to turn the knot so that the person inside will be locked from the inside. haha..
All the roof tiles scattering all over the place.
By JsQuare || Jia Jun
9:39:00 PM
, in

At Perak Sitiwan, there is a nature park preserved by the government. The Monkey land. Can't remember the park name. But the whole place is full of Monkeys and they are wild. So if you are to visit the place, it best that you don't bring any food. Do not try to provoke them as they are wild animals and not like the one we have in singapore zoo. The good news is that this place is free of charge even parking fee is free too!!!
Once you walk into the far end of the park, there will be no monkey as they like to crowd around at the entrance as they know their souce of food comes from the visitors. The last time I visit this place, the bridge are not well built. Now they have improve alot of the wooden planks as well as the entrance.
By JsQuare || Jia Jun
9:15:00 PM
, in

On my way to Pangkor Island, so i just snap some pictures and enjoy a sunny day. In order to reach Pangkor Island, you need to go to Lumut which is West of Malaysia. Buy a ticket, board the ship and off you go to Pangkor!!!

Before reaching our station, the ship stop at another island. I can't remember the name. But there are alot of people staying in this island. Many of them use the December long holiday to visit family and relatives.

Upon arriving Pangkor Island, you can book a taxi van. The taxi is very interesting, because they are PINK in colour. Too bad I didn't take a shot of the taxi. So there are actually a number of place to visit in Pangkor. We visit one of the temple there and up the hill, there is a very big stone which painted "Yuan" in chinese. Don't really know how to explain it.

This top down view is taken after climbing up to the hill where the big stone is situated. I think I climb around 15mins?? I also can't remember. But the view is indeed spectacular. You should also come and visit.

By the way, the engine is fixed at the back.

I Wonder whose car. It was parked at the 10th floor at my workplace building.
How I wish i Owned one.

I think today is the new launch for 'My Paper'. Comes in both chinese and english in a single paper. Today the paper very thick.. I wonder how am i going to put it in my bag later.. Next time don't have to take 'Today' paper. Haven't really read what's inside. Just flipping through. But the first thing in the paper that caught my eyes are the asaAsia travel packages. Looks nice. I want to travel to many many many interesting places. haha!!